This post is a little bit longer than most, but there’s a reason.
Aaron is one of my best friends. We went to college together and were roommates for two years. I was of course honored to be asked to shoot his Fayetteville Arkansas wedding. Playing the dual role of groomsmen/photographer is somewhat challenging but always fun. Claire is from France, a few hours south of Paris. Aaron started studying French for fun (nerd) and met Claire on an online study forum. I guess they nerded out on some language stuff and eventually fell in love. She eventually got approved to move to the US a few months ago, just in time to settle in and plan the last details of the wedding.
I had a fantastic time hanging out with not only my best friend’s family, but also his new family too. Fayetteville Arkansas is a beautiful place for a wedding, and I’d check out the fantastic St. Catherine’s at Bell Gable chapel too.